Pre-Meeting Workshops for the 2022 Annual Meeting


Wednesday, December 7

CGS offers a full schedule of interactive, cutting-edge workshops that provide participants with helpful strategies, information sharing opportunities, and resources to bring back to their campuses.

All workshops are half-day sessions with a fee of $75 per session. The pre-meeting workshop registration fee includes workshop materials and morning coffee. Lunch will be on your own.


Morning Sessions: 9:00 – 11:00 am

Making the Case for Centralized Support of Graduate Education

Making the case for the resources necessary to support graduate students’ academic and career success is perhaps the single most important part of a dean’s job. Sometimes, this work involves advocating for a graduate school or other central office. Learn from colleagues who have served as CGS consultants on this topic about the common issues that graduate leaders face and the strategies, tactics, tools, and resources that can help deans lead, rather than lag, organizational transformation.

New Models of International Recruitment and Student Support

Changes in the composition of international sending countries brings new questions and challenges. What are the benefits of engaging recruiting services versus utilizing university resources to establish on the ground networks in emerging markets?  What are successful models of student financial support with both new and well-established partners? This workshop will provide concrete examples of existing models and a forum for discussing innovations in international student recruitment.

Navigating In a Sea of Uncertainty: Legal Issues in Graduate Education

Legal decisions at all levels are shaping the evolution of the American higher education enterprise.  Graduate education is no exception. Join our speakers as they provide an overview of selected legal issues currently affecting graduate schools and share some practical methods on engaging legal counsel on matters facing graduate deans.


Afternoon Workshops: 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Fundraising as a Critical Instrument for Improving Graduate Education

In times of financial stress, private fundraising is both more essential and more challenging. This workshop will explore how a graduate school can secure philanthropic support when it has to compete with undergraduate colleges and professional schools on universities’ fundraising priority lists. Deans will share best practices on how to implement targeted fundraising for the graduate school within the larger context of the university. They will also address the use of internal and external strategies to collaborate when setting priorities and communicating development objectives within and among university units.

Mentoring to Support Diverse Students and Careers

A student-centered approach to mentoring recognizes student’s unique experiences: the mentor is prepared to recognize the identities students brings to graduate school, to understand the challenges and needs they encounter in navigating the degree, and to support diverse career goals. This session will provide strategies for engaging the student as a co-collaborator in the mentoring process and provide data and insights from mature mentoring models.

Reducing the Cost of a Graduate Degree: Strategies to Support Student Progress and Completion

As conversations about graduate student debt continue, graduate leaders understand the need to reduce costs while maintaining high program standards and levels of student satisfaction. To achieve these goals, many institutions have implemented programs and policies that accelerate time to degree, utilize online and hybrid modalities, and increase transferable credit. This workshop will feature several successful models as well as tactics to manage obstacles that may hinder innovation.

Review of Graduate Programs: Master’s and Doctoral

Assessing the quality of master’s and doctoral programs is essential for effective decision making and optimal impact. The presenters will provide strategies for meaningful and manageable program review. Participants will discuss review processes using program outcomes for impact, and directions needed for innovation, and change. Presenters will conclude with perspectives on how to incorporate feedback from external reviewers and accreditation requirements into program reviews.