New Brief: What to make of increased Indian international graduate students in the United States

India’s growth in applications and enrollments to graduate programs in the U.S. over the past two years, though partially a product of the COVID-19 rebound, is likely attributable to a new reality in Indian nationals’ capacities and willingness to attend graduate institutions in the U.S.

International Membership in the Council of Graduate Schools

CGS welcomes applications for international membership from universities that meet membership criteria.

International Membership
International Students

International students are a vital part of the graduate community. CGS gathers survey data, publishes reports, and creates best practices to help graduate leaders support their international students.

International Graduate Admissions Survey
International Experiences

International experiences prepare graduate students to collaborate with international partners and to work in diverse global environments.

International Experiences
Global Summit

The Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education provides a forum for discussion and collaboration among graduate education leaders from around the world.

Global Summit on Graduate Education