Exhibitor Information


Regular Registration Deadline is October 13, 2023
Late Registration Deadline is November 8, 2023

To register, complete the Exhibitor Registration Form and submit to CGS at: meetings@cgs.nche.edu or by fax at 202-461-3895.

  • If paying by credit card, complete the bottom portion of the form with the card details.
  • If paying by check, indicate that on the form and mail to: to the Council of Graduate Schools, Meetings Dept., One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 230, Washington, DC 20036. Checks should be made payable to the Council of Graduate Schools.
Meeting Fees

Registration fee includes: A six-foot, skirted display table, access to an electrical outlet, and two internet connections. Also included are the meeting materials, opening reception, two lunches, morning and afternoon refreshment breaks, and Thursday reception for up to two representatives of your organization.

Registration will be accepted through November 9.

CGS Member Rate

Regular Exhibitor Fee
(postmarked on or before October 13, 2023)

Regular Exhibitor Fee – Late
(postmarked after October 13, 2023)

Meeting App Inclusions and Deadlines

Exhibitors also receive the added benefit of their company information and logo included within the meeting app.

New this year, exhibitors will receive an invitation email from Cvent, the app provider, to enter their own company information into their page.  Items to be added include: logo, banner, company description, and any documents or links that you wish to share with the attendees through the app.

We ask that your page is populated with at least your company logo by November 3rd. After that date, you can add additional information, but this deadline allows time for troubleshooting any questions or issues you may have.  Please contact hshank@cgs.nche.edu with any questions.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

CGS will fully refund registration fees if cancellation notification is received, in writing, on or before October 20. After October 20, all refunds will be subject to a $100 processing fee.

No refunds will be honored after November 12.

Mailing Labels

Exhibitors will receive mailing labels of current 2023 CGS Annual Meeting attendees as of November 8. These labels will be sent in “pdf” format via email and will not include exhibitors, as labels are intended for the promotion of your organization at the Annual Meeting. A full participant list will be included in the meeting app, which will be active a week prior to the meeting.


Exhibitor Table Information