- A Framework for Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus https://nadohe.memberclicks.net/assets/2021/Framework/National%20Association%20of%20Diversity%20Officers%20in%20Higher%20Education%20-%20Framework%20for%20Advancing%20Ant-Racism%20on%20Campus%20-%20first%20edition.pdf From the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education, this report includes recommendations about institutional structure, policies and procedures, resource allocation, academic equity and student success, hiring and promotion, employee development, admissions and access, and campus culture. Focus is on undergraduate education but many of the concepts apply to graduate education as well.
- Equity in Science: Representation, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change in Graduate Education, by Julie R. Posselt https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=31068 “Makes the case that understanding how field-specific cultures develop is a crucial step for bringing about reach change” to address implicit and structural biases in STEM disciplines.
- Racism, Black College Students’ Mental Health, and the Efficacy of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: A Case Study, dissertation by Kaleea R. Lewis https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/etd/4616/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_1892480_nl_Race-on-Campus_date_20210112&cid=rc&source=ams&sourceId=1782998 A study examining “the intersections of racism and mental health” using “qualitative methods to explore how Black college students who attend predominantly White institutions of higher education make meant of their experiences with racial discrimination and its impact on their mental health.”
- The Misbegotten URM as a Data Point https://cue.usc.edu/files/2016/01/Bensimon_The-Misbegotten-URM-as-a-Data-Point.pdf Essay asserting that the use of the term “URM” is dehumanizing and should be reconsidered or stopped.
- Broadening Participation in Graduate Education https://cgsnet.org/node/2524 A report addressing “the need to strengthen and expand diversity and inclusiveness in higher education,” highlighting successful initiatives and policy recommendations.
- Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education https://www.equityinhighered.org/ Provides data on race and ethnicity statistics related to higher education.
- The Impacts of Racism and Bias on Black People Pursuing Careers in Science, Engineering, and Medicine https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25849/the-impacts-of-racism-and-bias-on-black-people-pursuing-careers-in-science-engineering-and-medicine?utm_source=NASEM+News+and+Publications&utm_campaign=af624c6f3d-Final_Book_2020_11_18_25849&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_96101de015-af624c6f3d-102047593&goal=0_96101de015-af624c6f3d-102047593&mc_cid=af624c6f3d&mc_eid=79445348b4 Proceedings from a workshop convened “to identify key levers, drivers, and disruptors in government, industry, health care, and higher education.”
- Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25038/graduate-stem-education-for-the-21st-century A report exploring how the system of graduate STEM education in the U.S. “might best respond to ongoing developments in the conduct of research on evidence-based teaching practices and in the needs and interests of its students and the broader society it seeks to serve.”
- Diversity Regimes: Why Talk is Not Enough to Fix Racial Inequality at Universities, by James M. Thomas https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/diversity-regimes/9781978800410 Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this analysis describes “a complex combination of meanings, practices, and actions that work to institutionalize commitments to diversity, but in doing so obscure, entrench, and even magnify racial inequities.”
- Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctvcwp0hd Series of essays addressing the role of universities in promoting racial stratification in disciplinary frameworks, research methods, and teaching/learning strategies, offering ideas for change and transformation.
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