- The Global Postgraduate Diversity Resource – a CGS-ETS Joint Initiative https://cgsglobaldiversity.org/ A digital repository of resources related to the international agenda for supporting diversity in graduate education, including resources on access, student success, mentoring, methods and metrics, curricular innovation, and case studies.
- Becoming Anti-Racist: Being a Better Advisor, Lab Mate, and Friend to Black Colleagues https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y6M_-Mca8vm5QKubhd1dWfsz-cAJ3Y-E/view Arranged in a slide-friendly format, information for having a conversation to “help non-black PIs, postdocs, and graduate students effectively support Black colleagues,” including data and suggestions regarding actions.
- Equity in Graduate Education Resource Center https://sites.google.com/igenetwork.org/equity-in-graduate-education/ “Through research-practice partnerships with universities, disciplinary societies, and their members, our resources build capacity to equitably select and educate the next generation of American scholars.”
- Practical Steps for Supporting Social Justice & Addressing Inequities https://gradschool.cornell.edu/diversity-inclusion/faculty-resources/practical-steps/ Suggestions for actions faculty and administrative leaders “can take to support social justice and to address inequities within graduate fields and academic departments.”
- Inclusive Practices Resource Guide, from the Inclusive Graduate Education Network https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6Ekwg0pNK4lRMF8lPQ8ZTYxQYMRoWe6/view Guidance and resources compiled by Julie R. Posselt, Casey W. Miller, and Stephanie Santos to support effective communication with graduate students about racial violence.
- Faculty Fighting Racism: Seek First to Understand, Then Take Action https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/diversityconsult/home Example of a faculty-oriented set of resources at the University of Minnesota that encourage reading, watching, listening, and doing.
- Stanford SPARQtools http://www.sparqtools.org/ “Digital toolkits that translate research into user-friendly formats that practitioners and educators can use to sparq psychological, behavioral, and societal change. Each toolkit shares evidence-based materials and resources that can be put right to use to tackle issues …” See RaceWorks, Higher Ed Diversity and Inclusion Collection, Blocking Gender Bias, Team Up Against Prejudice, and others.
- Antiracist Pedagogy Collective https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/arpc/about Formed by graduate students at the University of Southern California, includes a library research guide with “resources for developing antiracists strategies, readings, and syllabi.”
- Anti-Racism Resources for the AAPI Community https://asianamericanstudies.cornell.edu/anti-racism-resources-aapi-community Compilation of resources including general advocacy regarding Asian American social justice issues, COVID-19, anti-Blackness, and anti-Asianism.
- Diversity and Inclusion Badge Program https://web.uri.edu/graduate-school/dibp/ The University of Rhode Island’s “customizable micro-credential program aligned with URI’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice goals.”
- Diversity Development Certificate Program https://www.montana.edu/hr/development/diversity.html Archived. At Montana State University, a program that “offers a series of trainings to students, staff, and faculty to expand their awareness, knowledge, and skills related to diversity and inclusion to promote personal and professional growth.”
- Berkeley Graduate Division Graduate Diversity Task Force https://grad.berkeley.edu/graduate-diversity/graduate-diversity-task-force/ Includes specific recommended actions “to increase the enrollment of underrepresented, low socioeconomic status, and first-generation graduate students and to improve the campus experiences and academic outcomes for underrepresented graduate students across all” disciplines.