- National Research Mentoring Network https://nrmnet.net/about-nrmn-2/ A national network to “implement and disseminate innovative, evidence-based best practices to improve mentoring relationships at institutions across the country. We connect highly knowledgeable and skilled mentors with motivated and diverse mentees, ranging from undergraduate students to early-career faculty, and facilitate long-term, culturally responsive interactions between them. We are committed to establishing a culture in which historically underrepresented mentees successfully progress in their careers and contribute to the biomedical research enterprise.
- Culturally Aware Mentoring, a Research Study with the National Research Mentoring Network https://cimerproject.org/cam-nrmn/ (project overview) and associated culturally aware mentoring resources https://cimerproject.org/culturally-aware-mentoring-resources-2/
- CIMER: Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research https://cimerproject.org/ “Effective research mentoring relationships are critical to developing the next generation of researchers. Learn how to improve these relationships at all career stages and promote cultural change that values excellence in research mentoring as a critical aspect of diversifying the research workforce.”
- The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM Online Guide https://www.nap.edu/resource/25568/interactive/ Set of resources and mentoring tools aimed toward STEM professional to support faculty and mentees with skills for engaging effective mentoring relationships.
- National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity https://www.facultydiversity.org/ (requires membership) “On-demand access to the mentoring, tools, and support you need to be successful in the Academy.”
- The Graduate Advisor, by Leonard Cassuto https://www.chronicle.com/package/the-graduate-adviser/?cid2=gen_login_refresh&cid=gen_sign_in Monthly column with advice about doctoral training for graduate students and faculty mentors; often focuses on Humanities.
- CIRCLES Group Mentoring https://graduate.asu.edu/current-students/enrich-your-experience/mentoring/circles-group-mentoring “Peer-led group mentoring framework that offers space for exploration, discussion, collective problem-solving, co-learning, and mentoring connection for graduate students based on shared identities in an informal small-group setting.”
- Resources and References on Mentorship https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ptFaHEaem0TuO75yvBN_MsizDiIjCQw-IkG–mgLFY/edit Collated by Steve Lee at Stanford University, provides links to general mentoring resources as well as specific resources on managing up and mentoring up.
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