1. Inside Graduate Admissions: Merit, Diversity, and Faculty Gatekeeping, by Julie R. Posselt https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674088696 “Presents admissions from decision makers’ point of view, including thought-provoking episodes of committees debating the process, interviewing applicants, and grappling with borderline cases.”  Includes strategies for improving admissions review processes.
  2. Holistic Review in Graduate Admissions, A report from the Council of Graduate Schools https://cgsnet.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/CGS_HolisticReview_final_web.pdf Report from a project reviewing literature and compiling insights from graduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada, including “principles and practices designed to help graduate schools, graduate program directors, diversity officers, and others work together to improve the strength of their programs through greater diversity.”
  3. Letters of Recommendation: How to Write, Read, and Solicit Letters for Equity  https://sites.google.com/igenetwork.org/equity-in-graduate-education/home/resourceguide2?authuser=0  Specific suggestions for writing letters of recommendation that “are effective tools for enhancing equity.”
  4. Graduate Admissions Practices Discussion Guide https://www.holisticadmissions.org/downloads/GRE_Grad-Discussion-Guide.pdf Based on interviews with graduate faculty and staff, a discussion guide “to support faculty and administrators who are interested in having … thoughtful engagement about their graduate admissions practices on their own campuses.”
  5. Better Letters: Equitable Practices for Writing Reading, and Soliciting Letters of Recommendation  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1frm2_RnKGbXBuF5-DLtDWUhH1tSo6Tdb/view Suggestions for letter writers to be more equitable in their letters.