1. Promising Practices Recommendations for Holistic Admissions, University of Washington Graduate School https://grad.uw.edu/equity-inclusion-and-diversity/programs-resources/for-faculty-and-staff/holistic-admissions-2/ In addition to providing a description of multiple promising practices, also provides links to other resources including reports, books, articles, and powerpoint presentations.
  2. Strategies for Equity-Minded Holistic Review https://sites.google.com/igenetwork.org/sloan-dec-2020/home  Resources for guiding graduate admissions practices, based on workshops regarding holistic review.
  3. Top 100 Producers of Bachelor’s Degrees, 2020 https://diverseeducation.com/top100/pages/BachelorsDegreeProducers2020.php From Diverse Issues in Higher Education, this tool provides data on institutions regarding their rank in conferring bachelor’s degrees sortable by race (African American, Asian American, Hispanic, Native American, Total Minority, Two or More Races), discipline/major, institution, and state. Gender data are also provided.