Atia Amin is the 2022 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) People’s Choice Winner
CGS Contact: Kelley Karnes
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Showcase and roundtable discussion highlighted research of 11 graduate scholars.
Washington, DC – Atia Amin, Human Genetics PhD student, was named the People’s Choice Winner at today’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Showcase and Roundtable at the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) 62nd Annual Meeting in San Franciso.
Currently at McGill University, Amin was recognized for her presentation, “Preventing Leishmaniasis Using Exosomes.” The presentation explored issues of leishmaniasis, a little-known tropical disease estimated to affect around 1 million people every year with potentially life-threatening consequences. Her captivating presentation centered around a victim of the disease in her home country of Bangladesh.
The session was sponsored by ProQuest, part of ClarivateTM and featured the 11 winners of regional 3MT® competitions in North America: the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies (CAGS,) Consejo Mexicano de Estudios de Posgrado (COMEPO,) the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS,) the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS,) the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS,) and the Western Association of Graduate Schools (WAGS). Graduate schools are launching 3MT® competitions, a concept developed by The University of Queensland, to help prepare graduate students to communicate the value of their research to a broad audience.
The regional winners participated in a roundtable discussion, reflecting on their experiences and offering insights that can help graduate schools develop successful 3MT® competitions and other programs designed to hone students’ communication skills.
The regional winners are:
Atia Amin, CAGS Awardee, McGill University
Janelle Chuah, CSGS Awardee, West Virginia University
Tabitha DiBacco, MAGS Awardee, Western Michigan University
María Dolores Durán Domínguez, COMEPO Awardee, ITESO (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente)
Matthew Ellis, NAGS Awardee, Yale University
Carmen Reese Foster, CSGS Awardee, University of Alabama
Emiliano Gutierrez-Popoca, NAGS Awardee, Brandeis University
Karla Marina Delgado Machuca, COMEPO Awardee, University of Colima
Dalton Miller, WAGS Awardee, Boise State University
Desire Ortiz Torres, MAGS Awardee, University of Illinois-Chicago
Sook Mun (Alice) Wong, WAGS Awardee, Chapman University
CGS President Suzanne T. Ortega stated that the work of these students represents the best of graduate education and research and merits recognition.
“The 3MT® showcase and roundtable recognizes the innovative research of graduate students and their important impact on their disciplines and the broader graduate education community,” said Ortega. “The significant contributions of the 3MT® winners have made in their respective fields continue the tradition of excellence.”
Angela D’Agostino, Vice President, Product Management at ProQuest, part of Clarivate, said: “We believe human ingenuity can transform the world and improve our future. We are proud to honor Atia Amin with the 2022 3MT® People’s Choice Award and for all nominees to be included in The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT)™ database, as their impactful research will further innovation and the understanding of the world around us.”
ProQuest, part of Clarivate – whose ProQuest® Dissertations & Theses GlobalTM database (PQDT) features the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses – sponsors this showcase.
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About CGS
The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) is an organization of approximately 500 institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada engaged in graduate education, research, and the preparation of candidates for advanced degrees. The organization’s mission is to improve and advance graduate education, which it accomplishes through advocacy in the federal policy arena, research, and the development and dissemination of best practices.