CGS Celebrates CHIPS and Science Act Signed Into Law
Washington, DC – The Council of Graduate Schools applauds the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act that was signed into law today by President Biden. This transformative legislation will provide significant investments in scientific research that positively impact the nation’s innovation enterprise.
The bill authorizes $81 billion over five years for the National Science Foundation (NSF), which is $36 billion over baseline level funding for the agency. This includes $13 billion for STEM education, including scholarships, fellowships, and traineeships for graduate students as well as increases in funding for NSF research activities for universities across the country. The bill also provides significant investments to the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, including authorizing $87 million through fiscal year 2027 for the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.
Notably, this bill includes $32.5 million for the Combatting Sexual Harassment in Science Act to address sexual harassment in higher education and scientific research. This act says the NSF will be required to collect data on sexual harassment in higher education institutions, directs the federal government to fund research into sexual harassment involving federally funded researchers, and the development of evidence-based ways to prevent and address sexual harassment.
“The signing of the CHIPS and Science Act is a not only a major investment in our scientific workforce, but will be instrumental in supporting students who want to pursue a graduate degree in STEM,” Suzanne T. Ortega, CGS President said. “Building on President Biden’s words, this will open the possibilities for graduate education and research for students from all backgrounds.”
This legislation will keep the United States at the forefront of scientific research, cutting-edge technology, and advancement in innovation. Providing research opportunities for graduate students is essential for the U.S. to solve national and global challenges and to support the growth and competitiveness of the nation’s STEM workforce.
For over 60 years, CGS has served as the national organization dedicated to advancing graduate education and research. Our membership includes nearly 500 institutions of higher education in the United States, Canada, and abroad representing over 1.8 million graduate students. Collectively, our members grant 87 percent of all U.S. doctorates and a majority of U.S. master’s degrees.