PhD Career Pathways
PhD Career Pathways project is a multi-phase initiative to improve doctoral education through data collection, information-sharing, university networks, and resource development. With support from the National Science Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, CGS has built a coalition of 75 doctoral institutions working to improve student and alumni experiences outcomes through an evidence-informed approach. The research briefs below will help you contextualize your own institution’s data and inform meaningful improvements to PhD education.
Introducing the PhD Career Pathways Data Dashboard
This exciting new tool allows universities to develop customized queries about the graduate school experiences and career outcomes of doctoral recipients.
The dashboard will become publicly available following a period of testing and early access for CGS members.

PhD Careers: What do we know?
- How Well Did a Humanities PhD Prepare Them?
- How Well Did a STEM PhD Train Degree Recipients for Their Careers?
- Job Changes of PhD Graduates After Earning Their Degree
- Insights into First-Generation Doctoral Students
- How do Biological and Life Sciences PhD Holders Transition into the Workforce?
- Preparing Future Faculty for All Types of Colleges and Universities

PhD Professional Development
- New Brief! Empowering PhD Graduates with Essential Career Skills
- PhD Professional Development: Value, Timing, and Participation
- How Well Did Prior Postdoctoral Appointments Prepare PhDs for Their Careers? Length, Value, and Skills of Postdoctoral Experience
- The Importance of Preparation in Grant Writing for PhDs
- Academic Professional Development for PhD Students in Selected Science Fields: Who is Participating?

Collect Your Own Data
The CGS PhD Career Pathways surveys, a student questionnaire and an alumni questionnaire, are designed to be administered by graduate schools or programs. The data collected through the survey can help support greater transparency about PhD career aspirations and outcomes and to inform curricula, career services, professional development opportunities, and mentoring. For more information about the PhD Career Pathways surveys and Implementation Guide, please contact Enyu Zhou.

CGS has developed a communications resource that is designed to help university partners advocate for greater transparency about PhD careers and to support career diversity. The tool includes tips for supporting career diversity in campus social media as well as guidance on communicating the value of diverse careers.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. (NSF #1661272 and #2000750) and by the Mellon Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the Mellon Foundation.