Our vision is to foster welcoming, equitable, creative, collaborative, and innovative research teams and labs.

About Healthy Research Teams & Labs
The project, with input from a CGS advisory committee, developed useful recommendations and promising practices for graduate deans, department chairs and program directors, advisors, graduate students and others in the academic community. The project is designed to be inclusive of every field of study. As noted in the Framework Document, “research team” refers to the team of graduate students and other members (e.g., postdoctoral scholars, staff) for whom an advisor (or co-advisors) serves as major professor, supervisor, and/or direct report.
Faculty at CGS member institutions are invited to register to affiliate with the Healthy Research Teams & Labs initiative. By committing to upholding the principles below, faculty members and advisors at CGS member institutions will receive a Healthy Research Teams & Labs icon to indicate that commitment, as well as supporting resources.
If you are not sure if your institution is a member of CGS, please consult the current list of members.
Become a Healthy Research Team or Lab
The Healthy Research Teams & Labs Commitment
Faculty can commit to enact the shared vision and interconnected values of healthy research teams and labs by committing to the principles below. Please express your interest and commitment by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
- Setting clear expectations for advising and mentorship and engaging in practices that help foster positive, productive, and fulfilling relationships. We recognize the importance of supportive advisory relationships in facilitating personal, academic, and professional development of research team members.
- Creating an environment where the welfare of all research team members is prioritized. We recognize that our research team’s best work is more likely to be achieved when members feel welcome, supported, and encouraged to strive toward professional and personal goals.
- Explicitly stating our commitment to equitable practices. We recognize that clearly stating our commitment helps to ensure graduate students are given equitable attention and opportunities.
- Encouraging collaboration rather than competition within our research teams and labs. We understand the important role that a collaborative and supportive environment has in fostering success and well-being of research team members.
- Engaging in continual learning to refine skills in research leadership and management. We recognize the importance of elevating our advising and mentorship, research management, and leadership skills through ongoing professional development.
- Promoting professional development opportunities for a variety of career paths. We understand graduate students have diverse career aspirations and we play a significant role in encouraging them to engage in a variety of professional development activities.
- Encouraging students to be curious, innovative, and open in their work. We understand that research integrity and rigor can be achieved when students are encouraged to be curious, collaborative, and open throughout the research process.