Texas A&M isfocused on building professional networks by connecting faculty and administrators from across campus to initiate career conversations and explore opportunities for Ph.D. students in the humanities through workshops, professionals-in-residence programs, and internships. Texas A&M is particularly committed to helping students identify and establish careers where they can put their extensive research-based skills to work serve the public interest.
The Texas A&M Humanities Cluster is a partnership between the university and the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) to provide grant funding that encourages creative thinking and programming to promote career diversity for PhDs in the humanities. The Humanities Cluster at TAMU draws on expertise and enthusiasm from the Departments of English, History, and Philosophy, as well as the Graduate and Professional School, Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, Career Center, and the College of Liberal Arts to re-think how the humanities respond to the changing career trajectories of humanities PhDs.
The Cluster is engaging in a series of professional-in-residence events, grants to support unpaid or poorly compensated public service internships, regular lunch-and-learn workshops, an internship fair, survey and assessment measures, and a symposium at the end of the award period.
How One Texas A&M Student Is Working to Bring Missing in Action Soldiers Home
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Explore The Humanities Cluster
Project Team:
Dr. Fuhui Tong, Project Director, Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Texas A&M University Graduate and Professional School
Adam R Siepp, Co-Project Director, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Professor, History, Fellow, Texas A&M Arts & Humanities
Maria Escobar-Lemmon, Project Contact, Professor, Political Science, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, College of Liberal Arts
Shannon Walton, Project Contact, Assistant Dean of the Graduate and Professional School