2024 Report Now Available
The CGS Graduate Enrollment and Degrees report, published annually since 1986, presents the findings of the CGS/ETS Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees and is a joint project of the Council of Graduate Schools and the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
The latest report, Graduate Enrollment and Degrees: 2013 to 2023, is the most current version of the only national survey that collects data on first-time and total graduate enrollment across all fields of master’s and research doctorate programs in the United States. It is also the only source of data on first-time and total graduate enrollment by degree level (master’s/certificates versus research doctorate) and the only national survey that collects data on applications to graduate school by broad field of study.
Tables and appendices are available here.

Quick Takes
- Applications for admission to graduate school between Fall 2022 and Fall 2023 increased for the second year in a row, with an increase of 5.6%. This increase was fueled by a 15.8 percent increase at master’s-granting institutions and a 17.4 percent increase at R2 doctoral institutions.
- First-time graduate student enrollment rose by 3.1 percent overall between Fall 2022 and Fall 2023, with nearly every institution type reporting increases.
- Following the COVID-19 pandemic, student participation in graduate education appears to be rebalancing, with small increases in both international and domestic enrollment compared to more sizeable positive and negative changes in preceding years.

- First-time graduate enrollment increased notably among underrepresented groups, with first-time enrollment for Black/African American students increasing by 6.3 percent and by 7.6 percent for Latinx students.
- Only one category of underrepresented minority students experienced declines in first-time enrollment between Fall 2022 and Fall 2023; first-time graduate enrollment decreased by 1.6% among American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- The report also highlights the growing demand for professionals in key sectors, including education and counseling. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, graduate schools will need to produce an additional 21,000 educational, guidance, and career counselors, as well as education administrators, to meet the projected job openings in these fields.
Historical Reports
Reports dating back to 2012 are available free online to administrators, faculty, and staff members of CGS member institutions. Visit the report archive to view, print or download PDFs of past reports of the Graduate Enrollment and Degrees survey.
For more information about the CGS/ETS Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees, please contact the CGS Research Team.