NNE Coordinator Resources
Please log in to your CGS account to view the coordinator resources.

Institutional Requirements
Each institution participating in the National Name Exchange must do the following:
- Identify undergraduate and master’s students at your institution that meet CGS guidelines and are interested in graduate education.
- Send an email, newsletter, or other outreach method to nominated students with the enrollment information inviting them to join. Find a sample email here.
- Identify a primary point of contact, or NNE coordinator, at your institution to field student questions and answer CGS queries.
- Once students from your institution have enrolled, your NNE coordinator will receive an email from CGS (nne@cgs.nche.edu) with the login information for the institutional portal that houses the student lists.
- Institutions must enroll students each cycle to receive access to the student lists.
Application and Nomination to Participate in the Name Exchange
To participate in NNE, an institution must be a CGS member in the United States and Canada. Each enrollment cycle, an institution must nominate and successfully enroll students in order to participate in the recruitment portion of the cycle. Annual student enrollment runs from March 15 through June 15.
Institutions participate by nominating a NNE coordinator who acts as point of contact between CGS and a participating institution. That coordinator will lead nomination efforts at the institution and be responsible for coordinating recruitment. An institution may have up to two NNE coordinators.
At the close of each cycle as decided by CGS, institutions must destroy or delete all student lists and cease to contact those students about graduate school opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the typical timeline for participation in the NNE?
In March, the Council of Graduate Schools announces that a new Name Exchange cycle has begun, and provides member institutions information regarding collecting student information and submission deadlines. From March-June, student data is collected and entered into the Name Exchange database.
In late summer, the NNE recruitment cycle ceases, and CGS finalizes the Name Exchange database and invites institutions to download the student lists to distribute student information to their graduate programs.
When and where is the annual meeting held?
The annual meeting is held virtually after the CGS Summer Workshop. Usually, this meeting will occur in August or September depending on NNE coordinator availability.
Is there a member fee?
No. Membership in the NNE is a member benefit conferred on CGS members.
Is there a limit to the number of departments at our institution who may use the Name Exchange data?
No. Your membership covers as many graduate departments/schools as you wish to share it with, however, we recommend that the NNE coordinator on your campus keep track of how lists are distributed in order to maintain the security of student data.
Who do I contact to inquire about participation?
You may contact Mathew Linton at the Council of Graduate Schools to inquire about NNE participation at nne@cgs.nche.edu
Who Else is Participating?
Learn which of your peer organizations are already receiving prospective students through the National Name Exchange.