Michigan State University has launched a pilot program to recruit PhD students in the Humanities for a customized, cohort-based learning experience that explores career pathways beyond the academy. Our project builds on ongoing efforts in three graduate programs across History, English, and Rhetoric & Writing (R&W) to offer diverse career options to our students with one key difference: rather than focusing on students already enrolled, we will recruit students with interest in diverse careers.
We are recruiting two successive cohorts of students who are aim to build careers beyond the academy. As part of their four– or five-year full support package, each group will have one full year of support to pursue an engagement experience with an organization that represents their future career community.
Participating graduate faculty will be engaged in compensated training via a Faculty Learning Community where they can explore curricular, programmatic, and mentorship options for supporting diverse career pathways and the ways in which these can be harmonized and sustained within their existing program priorities. Our goal is to have student representatives of these organizations work with graduate faculty and administrators as well as build durable relationships with the university in an effort to articulate mutual interests in graduate education.
Learn more at The Graduate School Professional Development
Project Team:
Julie Rojewski, Project Director, Director of Graduate Career Development
Michael Stamm, Project Contact, Professor, Department of History Aminda Smith, Project Contact, Associate Professor, Department of History Kristin Mahoney, Project Contact, Associate Professor, Department of English Liza Potts, Project Contact, Professor, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, Director of WIDE Research, Director of Graduate Studies