Presentations Available
Please log into your CGS account to view and download presentations from the 2024 CGS Summer Workshop and New Deans Institute.

Summer Workshop and New Dean's Institute
Held in Boston, Massachusetts on July 13, 2024, the New Deans Institute was tailored to those who have been in their graduate dean role for two years or less. Our Summer Workshop program, running from July 14-17, 2024, included many opportunities for networking and interactive discussions on the issues most pressing to the graduate education community.
View Final Program
Meeting Highlights
The 2024 Summer Workshop program was both informative and engaging, featuring a range of timely topics and practical guidance for both new and experienced deans. Plenary sessions delved into crucial issues facing graduate education today including: AI in graduate education, creating community and scientific exchange to shape practices for a healthier ocean and understanding how to chart a path on campus that complies with current legislation around DEI programs. Additionally, the meeting offered sessions on timely topics such as graduate student mental health, mentoring and fundraising.