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  • #13768

    Good morning, all.

    We are reviewing how our graduate coordinators or, as they may be referred to on your campuses, directors of graduate study, are compensated. Would you be willing to share what you do and, ideally, if you have a policy or guidelines that establish a base? The size and complexity of our programs are so varied that we’re hoping to get a better sense of best practice.

    I am familiar with the CGS publication on grad ed organization/administration but if there is other best practice guidance that might relate, please point me to it too.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer!


    Mary Farmer-Kaiser, PhD

    Dean of the Graduate School
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette


    Hi Mary,

    NAGAP offers a tool called the Graduate Enrollment Compensation Analytics Tool that may be helpful. If you or a team member is a NAGAP member, you should be able to access it.

    At my institution, minimum compensation is determined by HR based on position titles. However, this approach doesn’t account for variations in responsibilities—so all “coordinators,” for example, are assigned the same base salary regardless of their specific role or department. While salary adjustments can occur through merit increases or expanded responsibilities, there is no built-in structure for career progression within the position.

    If I could establish my own baseline, I would implement a salary range rather than a flat starting rate. Additionally, I would introduce standard levels within the position, allowing for structured salary increases when employees meet specific criteria. Without clear career ladders, I often lose employees after they gain experience and seek advancement opportunities elsewhere.

    Let me know if you’d like to discuss this further!

    Dr. Melissa K. Webb
    Assistant Dean
    Graduate School
    University of West Florida
    850.473.7715 Office

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