As part of the CGS Humanities Coalition, IU is introducing new programming to enhance graduate student internship and fellowship opportunities across campus, as well as to refocus existing programming to better support humanities graduate students seeking diverse career pathways. To achieve this, we are implementing a three–tiered approach of Humanities–specific and broader campus initiatives to encourage and support networking and professional relationship building, allowing our students to explore a variety of careers.
These include
1) a new, required Individual Development Plan (IDP) graduate student cohort comprised of the incoming Fall 2021 first year English and History graduate students,
2) the launch of a new Alumni Mentor Network facilitated through an NSF–funded and IU faculty–developed networking platform, Net.Create, and
3) the expansion of professional development opportunities, including broadening our Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship Program (FFTF), the creation of a new FFTF–like internship program for non–academic positions, and a new Preparing Future Professionals conference (PFPc) specifically for students seeking non–academic careers after completing their degrees.
Project Team:
David Daleke, Project Director, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Health Sciences and Interim Dean of the IU Bloomington University Graduate School