
Advocacy Day 2024: CGS Deans and Graduate Students Head to the Hill

By Kelley Karnes

Graduate school deans and graduate students descended upon Washington D.C. on April 24-25 for CGS’s Annual Advocacy Day. Advocacy Day is an opportunity for CGS graduate deans and students to meet with federal agency officials, members of congress, and the national media to discuss issues impacting U.S. graduate education.

The first day of Advocacy Day included a workshop led by CGS President Suzanne Ortega and the CGS Government Relations and Public Policy Department in which graduate deans and students learned how to be effective and impactful advocates for graduate education. The second day they put their new advocacy skills to use in meetings with Dr. Nasser Paydar, Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education, and with several House and Senate congressional staffers.

Learn more at CGS’s Advocacy Day webpage, where you can find photos and more details from Advocacy Day, along with resources for being an advocate for graduate education.