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  • #10328

    I would be interested in hearing or receiving links to grade forgiveness policies you may have for graduate students. We currently do not have one and I would like to hear the perspective of Graduate Schools that do have such a policy. Thank you!


      Hi–we discussed this two years ago at U of Alabama’s Graduate Council, and came up with our Academic Fresh Start Policy. It allows students to “reset” their GPA to start over in either the same program or another program (after a 3 year hiatus). But the prior credits don’t count, so it is a true “starting over.” The link is – click on “Readmission” and then find “Readmission Fresh Start.” Glad to answer any questions about that.


      Thanks! Do you have a policy for a grade forgiveness for a course grade? We get asked all the time if someone who earns a C or F could repeat the course and replace the grade. I’m interested in hearing about those policies.


        No, we opted not to develop such a policy. Our faculty committee felt that at the graduate level this would not be advisable.


          At NJIT, graduate students are allowed a total of two course repetitions in their academic program.


          At Gallaudet University, a graduate student who has earned an unsatisfactory grade may repeat the course one time. Upon repetition, the transcript shows the grades for both attempts, but the original grade is excluded from (term and cumulative) GPA calculations. We also have an “Academic Fresh Start” mechanism which allows for a reset of a graduate student’s cumulative GPA upon readmission to the Graduate School.

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